Location Status

In Service: Location is assigned, or immediately available to be assigned; work orders are permitted for in service locations.

Not In Service: Location is not currently assigned to support UConn functions, but may have a planned need in the future; location requires renovation before it can be placed back IN SERVICE. Work orders are permitted for not in service locations.

Renovation: Location is not currently assignable to support UConn functions and is in the process of being renovated; work orders are permitted for locations under renovation.

Uninhabitable: Location is not currently assignable to support UConn functions and is available for disposal; however, work orders are permitted for uninhabitable locations.

Disposed: Location that is no longer part of UConn’s inventory (because of demolition, sale, transfer, catastrophic destruction, data correction, etc.); the location profile is normally retired and work orders are NOT permitted for disposed locations.

Record Created: Location in the process of becoming owned (through construction or purchase) or leased, but not yet in UConn’s possession; a location profile may be created and managed. Work orders are permitted for record created locations.