Property Types

Building: A building is a roofed structure, permanent or a temporary shelter for persons, animals or equipment that is attached to a structure, services by utility exclusive of lighting, require maintenance and repairs.

House: A house is a roofed and floored dwelling enclosed by exterior walls and consisting of one or more levels that is suitable for single or multiple functions. Houses are suitable for housing people.

Barn: A barn is a roofed dwelling enclosed by at least two exterior walls and consisting of one or more levels that is suitable for single or multiple functions. Barns are not suitable for housing people.

Greenhouse: A greenhouse is a roofed dwelling enclosed by exterior walls and consisting of one or more levels that is suitable for single or multiple functions. Greenhouses are not suitable for housing people.

Structure: A structure is a facility which is not a building, house, barn or greenhouse and is constructed on or in the land or water.

Land: Land is a portion of the earth’s surface distinguishable by boundaries. Any facility that is constructed on the land is categorized as a building or structure.