Web-based dashboard provides up-to-date summaries and detailed reports of all buildings and rooms by size, type, assignment and status for Storrs and regional campuses, except Health Center.
Reports by Unit: graphic and numeric reports of space data within a school or unit
Reports by Building: building information with gross and assignable square feet, year of construction, status, class, type, address, occupying departments, room type/FICM, classroom data, maintenance & asset information as well as in-depth room details
Reports by Room Type: space reports by type/FICM (ex. classrooms, offices, research laboratories, athletics and recreation, library, etc.)
Reports by Department: space information by department, building, room type
Reports by Campus: general building information by campus including gross and assignable square feet, property type and class, year of construction, address, status
For reports not included here, please contact space@uconn.edu.